VMware hat eine neue Zertifizierung für die aktuelle vSphere 5.5 Version veröffentlich. Mit dem Exam Code VCP550 basiert die Prüfung auf den Neuerungen in vSphere 5.5.

Wer zur Zeit VCP5-DCV zertifiziert ist, der benötigt kein Upgrade, doch alle die jetzt Ihren VCP5-DCV absolvieren möchten, werden in den Prüfungsfragen zu den neuen Features von vSphere 5.5 abgefragt. Neue Themen stellen sich in den Features: vSphere Data Protection (VDP), vCenter Operations Manager (vCOPS), vSphere Flash Read Cache (vFlash), Single Sign-On und dem vSphere Webclient dar.

Die Neuerungen im Detail:

Objective 1.2 – Install and Configure vCenter Server
• Create a database connection to the vCenter Server database
• Identify Single Sign-On requirements
• Identify vCenter Server and vCenter Server database requirements
• Install and Configure the vSphere Client / vSphere Web Client

Objective 1.3 – Install and Configure VMware ESXi
• Identify ESXi host requirements
• Select a CPU power management policy

Objective 1.4 – Plan and Perform Upgrades of vCenter Server and VMware ESXi
• Stage multiple ESXi Host upgrades

Objective 1.5 – Secure vCenter Server and ESXi
• Configure and administer Single Sign-On
• Describe Single Sign-On architecture
• Differentiate Single-Sign-On Deployment Scenarios
• Direct Console User Interface (DCUI)
• Manage Single Sign-On users and groups

Objective 2.2 – Configure vSphere Distributed Switches
• Backup/Restore vDS configuration
• Configure LACP on Uplink portgroups
• Configure vSphere Distributed Switch general and dvPort group settings
• Monitor dvPort state

Objective 2.3 – Configure vSS and vDS Policies
• Configure VLAN/PVLAN settings
• Describe vDS Security Polices/Settings

Objective 3.1 – Configure Shared Storage for vSphere
• Configure FC/iSCSI LUNs as ESXi boot devices

Objective 4.3 – Manage Virtual Machine Clones and Templates
• Create a Local/Remote Content Library with/without external storage (VMs, ISOs, Scripts, vApps)
• Identify content types
• Publish/Subscribe/Share a Content Library

Objective 4.4 – Administer Virtual Machines and vApps
• Configure Serial port redirection
• Configure USB passthrough from an ESXi Host

Objective 5.1 – Create and Configure VMware Clusters
• Determine appropriate power threshold for a given implementation
• Enable BIOS P/C states
• Enable/Configure/Disable Host Power Management/Distributed Power Management

Objective 5.3 – Create and Administer Resource Pools
• Describe vFlash architecture
• Assign vFlash resources to VMDKs
• Create/Delete vFlash Resource Pool

Objective 5.5 – Backup and Restore Virtual Machines
• Identify snapshot requirements
• Identify VMware Data Protection requirements
• Configure Replication for Single/Multiple VMs
• Differentiate between VDP and VDPA
• Create a backup job with VMware Date Protection
• Create/Delete/Consolidate virtual machine snapshots
• Describe vSphere Replication architecture
• Determine appropriate backup solution for a given vSphere implementation
• Explain VMware Data Protection sizing guidelines
• Install and Configure VMware Data Protection
• Install/Configure/Upgrade vSphere Replication
• Manage and monitor VDP capacity
• Perform a failback operation using vSphere Replication
• Perform a test/live full/file-level restore with VMware Data Protection
• Perform a VDR data migration
• Recover a VM using vSphere Replication

Objective 5.6 – Patch and Update ESXi and Virtual Machines
• Import/Export a Host Profile

Objective 7.3 – Install, Configure and Administer vCenter Operations Manager
• Deploy and Configure vCOPs appliance
• Differentiate Major/Minor vCOPs badges
• Explain vCOPs architecture
• Monitor vSphere environment
• Understand metrics used by Major/Minor vCOPs badges
• Upgrade vCOPs

Quelle der Änderungen von VCP510 zu VCP550:

Alle Details der neuen Prüfung sind im Blueprint zu erlesen: